Summer is Here!

10 Ways Dancers Can Stay in Shape

Summertime is here and many dancers may be out of the studio for a few months. We put together ten tips on how dancers can stay in shape this summer!

Yoga and Pilates

Yoga and Pilates are both forms of exercise that focus on core strength and flexibility. This makes them both a great fit for any dancer looking to stay in shape! Take a class or watch videos online. Either way, you are getting the exercise you need!

Lifting Weights

Do not be afraid to try lifting weights. Lifting weights at home or in a gym is great for toning or building muscle mass. If you are trying to tone muscle, then use lighter weights with more reps. If you are trying to build muscle, then use higher weights with fewer reps. 


Stretching at home is a great way to work on your flexibility. While you’re watching TV, try sitting in a butterfly position or a split. Make sure to do stretches that you are comfortable with and do not hold them for too long, you don’t want to hurt yourself! 

Walking or Running

Taking a walk with a friend or going on a run is a great way to get exercise. If you find yourself on vacation at the beach, take breaks from laying in the sun and go on a nice walk and enjoy the scenery. 


Summertime is the perfect time for swimming! While you are at the pool or lake, practice swimming some laps. This is an excellent cardio workout and it does not put pressure on your bones or muscles!

Choreograph Dances with Friends

What can be more fun for a dancer, than to make up fun dance routines with friends? You can choreograph a routine and show it to your parents or make a video for you and your friends to watch. 

Practice Your Dance Routines from Class

Remember that dance routine you learned last spring? Why not keep practicing that routine? Practicing moves that you already know is a great way to stay in shape and stay sharp!

Eat well

Eating a well-balanced diet is important for staying in shape and giving your body the nutrients it needs! Summer is the best time for delicious fruits and vegetables, put the chips away and enjoy that crisp, refreshing watermelon while you are laying by the pool! Don’t limit yourself – definitely go get that ice cream cone with your friends, just remember everything in moderation!

Get Plenty of Sleep

Getting enough sleep is very important for your body. It can be tempting to stay up late each night because you don’t have to wake up super early, but don’t let yourself get into a rut. Try to stay on a good sleep routine even during the summer so you can wake up each day refreshed and ready to have some fun!

Get Outside

It’s summer, school is out, and even though laying on the couch watching Netflix is relaxing, you don’t want to fall into the couch potato trap – get outside! When you get outdoors, you are instantly moving, which your body needs. You can go on hikes, walk the beach on your vacation, take a bike ride on a new trail. There are so many outdoor activities that can keep you active!

Don’t Forget to Register!

It’s not too late to register for a class at Nan’s School of Dance in Raleigh. From ballet to hip hop, we offer dance classes for ALL ages and skill levels in a variety of styles. We place students in classes that will challenge them while offering a fun atmosphere for learning and growth. We also offer Mommy & Me classes, (18 months – 2.5 years)

Register online or give us a call at 919-803-6044 to hold your spot!

Want to learn more about our classes or studio?

Just fill out this form and we can answer all your questions. We look forward to seeing you soon in our studio!


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