New COVID 19 Safety Protocols at Nan’s Dance

We are committed to keeping our dancers safe & protected

The safety of our young dancers is of utmost importance to us at Nan’s School of Dance, therefore we’ve enacted many new safety protocols in our studio to make sure everyone is safe and protected during this challenging pandemic. We know there’s excitement about reuniting with your fellow dancers, but you might also have some anxiety about the potential safety risks.

To ensure the health and safety of our students, families, and staff, we are LIMITING the number of students for IN-PERSON classes to fewer than ten students per class. If you would like for your child to dance in person, we highly recommend that you register soon to secure your spot.

Since we only have a smaller number of dancers than are normally accepted into classes to practice proper social distancing, and we realize many people will not yet be ready to return to a classroom, we are also offering Zoom classes for EACH class (except for Acro classes). The number of Zoom students will be limited to five (5) students per class. Once things return to normal, Zoom students will be allowed to join their class in person. For example: If you register for the Zoom Monday 4:30 p.m. class, you will attend the Monday 4:30 p.m. class in person when things return to normal.

New Safety Guidelines

We will be taking many new safety precautions in the studio. Some of these will include, but are not limited to:

  • Taking dancers’ temperatures upon arrival and sanitizing hands before entering studio
  • Closed lobby (drop-off only)
  • Floors are marked with 6′ squares for each dancer to social distance while dancing
  • Dancers’ belongings will be spaced 6′ apart
  • Teachers will wear masks at all times
  • Masks for children under 11 are recommended, but not required
  • Thorough deep sanitizing of classrooms between classes
  • NO use of physical props (i.e. scarves) or ballet barres
  • NO touching during class (no holding hands, circle time, follow-the-leader, etc.)

Dancers will be greeted by their teacher and hands will be sanitized again before entering. Everyone should keep six feet of distance apart between themselves and other dancers at all times. Prior to entering the studio, a staff member will take your temperature via a no-touch thermometer. We’ve also sent out a questionnaire that asks COVID screening questions. We are asking parents to review the questions, such as how everyone coming to dance is feeling, if they’re experiencing any COVID-19–related symptoms, or if they have been exposed to anyone who has tested positive, etc., before they come to class each week and if they answer ‘yes’ to anything, they need to stay at home. If your temperature is above 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit, you should return home, watch for any symptoms and consult your doctor.

For those who choose to dance at home, our Zoom classes are designed to still offer students instruction and ensure consistent growth. When registering online, please make sure your class request says “Zoom.” Please note that if a class does not have any “in-person” students, we will ask Zoom students to move to a different class time. Due to the additional work required for Zoom classes, tuition is the same for Zoom as it is for in-person instruction.

We thank you for abiding by all these new safety rules and we look forward to a time, hopefully sooner than later, when we can return to our normal classes. In the meantime, let’s look forward to still having fun in dance class within these guidelines designed to protect you and your loved ones. Thank you!

Want to learn more about our classes or studio?

Just fill out this form and we can answer all your questions. We look forward to seeing you soon in our studio!


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