Having Trouble With Your New Year’s Resolution?

Get Started Now With Your Dance Goals

You know them, you make them, but you might also break them: New Year’s Resolutions. But wait, there’s hope—resolutions don’t always have to start in January. It’s not too late to get started on one and make your resolution come true!

Get Started Today

Who says you can only start a resolution on January 1st? Start your resolution this spring! Beginning April 5th, Nan’s Dance has Spring and Summer Dance Sessions that meet once a week and lasts for 6 weeks. The best part is, there are no registration fees or long-term commitments!

Feeling Hesitant?

Don’t worry! Nan’s Dance is a family business that has been serving the community since 1975. Your child will be taught by professionals who know and love dance. In fact, our instructors approach each lesson through a lens of creativity that is engaging, relevant, and quality. We foster a relationship with dance that focuses on
socializing with peers in a safe environment
overcoming fears or worries as they try something new
expressing themselves artistically
building self-discipline and self-esteem

Benefits of Our Spring and Summer Sessions

There are several benefits to signing up for either the Spring or Summer Dance Sessions. 1) There is no formal attire needed. Kids should come in their play clothes/socks and be ready to have a great time. 2) There is no pressure at the conclusion of the session when it comes to a recital. The spring session is more about being active and having fun while learning through dance. 3) These sessions may lead to a passion for dance that lasts a lifetime.

Classes Offered

Give your child an out-of-the-house activity to look forward to this Spring or Summer by signing them up for a dance session at Nan’s Dance. Watch them flourish as they get exercise and grow through dance.The sessions offered this Spring are as follows:

  • Creative movement
  • Ballet (ages 3 – 5 years)
  • Tumbling (ages 3 – 5 years)
  • Jazz & Hip Hop (ages 6 – 10 years)

Interested In Learning More?

Signing your kids up for a productive extracurricular activity that will benefit them in all realms of life: socially, mentally, physically, emotionally, and even spiritually. No pressure, class tuition fees are refundable until 2 weeks before the class start date.

Register at NansDance or give us a call for questions, comments, and/or concerns at 919-803-6044.

Interested In Reading More?

Take a look at some of our other dance blogs:
Dance Is An Art Form
How The Dance Studio Affects The Classroom
Five Ways Your Child Will Grow Through Dance
How Dance Can Benefit Your Mental Health

Want to learn more about our classes or studio?

Just fill out this form and we can answer all your questions. We look forward to seeing you soon in our studio!


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