Nan’s School of Dance Blog

Sharing the Love of Dance Since 1975

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Five Best Stretches for Dancers

A Step by Step Guide At Nan’s School of Dance, we believe that stretching is an essential part of dance. Stretching keeps the dancer’s muscles flexible, strong, and healthy. We need that flexibility to maintain a range of motion for our joints. Without it, the muscles will become tight, and that’s when injuries can occur.

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How To Improve Your Dance Memory

5 Tips To Try After Your Next Dance Class Has this ever happened to you? You get all the movements right in class and can remember each one flawlessly, but when you get home, everything becomes a jumbled mess. How could it be so clear in class and then completely evaporate from your mind at

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How To Improve Your Posture In Dance

5 Things To Try At Each Dance Lesson Did you know that approximately 40 % of children have poor posture? This could be because of carrying heavy backpacks or spending too much time hunched over looking at a phone or tablet. Whatever the reason, children’s posture is suffering and for children that dance, this could

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How To Return To Dance As An Adult

5 Tips To Get Back Into Dance There is a saying “once a dancer, always a dancer,” and our staff at Nan’s School of Dance could not agree more. No matter how much time has passed since you last danced, you will always be a dancer at heart. That’s why many adults find themselves returning

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Why Is Core Strength Important for Dancers?

5 Exercises That Can Help Strengthen Your Core Dancing is an intense physical activity that involves the use of the entire body – arms, legs, feet, shoulders, hips. A dancer is using all of these parts of the body to execute various movements going from one to the next. At the center of all these

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The Importance of Sleep for Dancers

5 Tips To Improve Your Sleep Dancers who want the best for their body know to focus on nutrition, hydration, stretching and exercise, but one component that is often overlooked is sleep! Sleep is so important for our body’s well being. If you are a dancer, and want your body to be at its best,

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How To Strength Train Your Legs For Dance

4 Exercises To Try Dancing is a physically demanding activity that requires the use of all major muscle groups. It is high energy and can be fast paced. That’s why dancers are in great shape. No matter the style of dance that you perform, your legs are one of the most important muscle groups that

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The Importance of Nutrition in Dance

Fueling A Dancer Dancers are very physical and it’s crucial that they have the proper nutrition to perform at their best. When thinking about food, try thinking of it as fuel for the body. What can you put in your body that is going to optimize your performance? What kind of fuel does a dancer’s

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How To Get The Most Out Of Your Dance Lessons

5 Tips To Help Any Dancer So you want to be a dancer? You’ve signed up for classes and that’s a great start. But how can you get the most out of your dance classes and excel along your dancing journey? At Nan’s School of Dance, we have witnessed our dancers have great success when

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How To Be A Rockin’ Dance Mom or Dad

5 Helpful Tips Parents want to be involved with their child’s extracurricular activities and help them succeed. It can be hard for many parents (especially those who did not do dance themselves) to navigate the dance world. Moms and dads may have questions about supporting their child and how to help them find success on

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