Nan’s School of Dance Blog

Sharing the Love of Dance Since 1975

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5 Tips To Manage Stage Fright

Relieving Stress and Facing Fears In the World of Dance Stage fright is extremely common among dancers. It can be a huge obstacle for a child to overcome. This is especially upsetting if a child has worked hard on a routine and is too nervous to do the performance. To help, we have created 5

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How Dance Can Help Children Learn Math

Math in Movement If you are a dancer or if you have a dancer in your home…then you have heard of an eight count! What if we were to tell you that there are even more math concepts (other than counting) that can be learned through dance? Would you be surprised to hear that there

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How To Take Care of Your Body While Dancing

Tips To Keep Your Body Healthy Warm Up and Stretching Warming up and stretching is probably one of the most important things a dancer can do before practice. When you stretch your muscles, ligaments and tendons, you can push them to their limits. If you do not take the time to properly warm up and

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How To Become A Better Dancer

5 Tips That Can Help When You Reach a Plateau At Nan’s Dance Studio, we have seen a lot of dancers that want to improve their skills but have hit a dancing plateau or wall. The idea that they are “stuck” and need to change their perspective to further their dance journey. Our dance instructors

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10 Ballet Themed Children’s Books

There are so many benefits to reading to your child. One way to help cultivate a lifelong love for reading is to read books about a topic that interests your child. Read this article for a list of ten Ballet themed children’s books.

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How To Prevent Injuries While Taking Dance Lessons

Learn How to tell what your body is saying Dance is a physically demanding activity. Like any other sport that is physically demanding, injuries can occur. There are two different categories of injuries: traumatic injuries and overuse injuries. Traumatic injuries are injuries that occur unexpectedly. Overuse injuries occur from overuse of a muscle or ligament

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Dance Makes A Better Gymnast

The Olympics are here and we are cheering for our women’s and men’s gymnastics teams! If your child is interested in gymnastics or currently enrolled in gymnastics, it may be worth your while to consider taking a dance class. Dance has a profound impact on improving a gymnast. Read this article to find out 5 ways dance can improve a gymnast.

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The “How To’s” of Dance

Better Understanding the Dance Process If you are brand new to dance you may have a lot of questions. Questions like How do I prepare for my child’s first dance class? How do I choose which type of dance class is best for my child? You have questions, and we have the answers. We can

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10 Ways Dancers Can Stay in Shape

Summer is Here! 10 Ways Dancers Can Stay in Shape Summertime is here and many dancers may be out of the studio for a few months. We put together ten tips on how dancers can stay in shape this summer! Yoga and Pilates Yoga and Pilates are both forms of exercise that focus on core

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